Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Blog #20

Please read “Mormon Campaigns” and view the links to the ads that our provided. Our goal today is to compare and contrast the ads produced by a variety of different religious organizations. Focus on the following issues: 1) production quality, 2) messages and themes, 3) the audience take away, and 4) overall impressions. Once you’ve viewed the ads listed in the reading assignment, I want you to blog about your impressions. Compare and contrast the ads from the different faiths (using the criteria above). Finally, address what you think the role of advertising and public relations is, and should be, in the modern Church and religious world.


  1. First off I have to say that I know Will Hopate. He served in my mission and I remember how big of a deal it was for him to serve. In the USA we didn't really notice but in Australia it was a huge deal that he was leaving rugby. The entire time he was on his mission there was tons of articles about him and interviews.
    Honestly I would have to say in terms of quality the "Home Front" and "I'm a Mormon" ones really rule. The home front series has a lot of really well done adds from a production point of view and really make you think about what is important. And the I'm a Mormon ads are just very well shot and put together. Each of them tells a very personal story, and while it doesn't have the same feel as a homefront one they are relatable.
    I will have to say that maybe the I'm a Mormon ads have begun to follow the example of the other religious ads and focus more on getting new converts or bringing back old ones. That's what I saw in the other ads. They were focused mostly on bringing in new converts.
    I believe that advertising and PR has a place in religion. As the world evolves the way the church needs to reach out and communicate needs to evolve as well. Can you imagine if the church shunned the internet or TV as a place to reach out to the public? People would know even less then they already do. I think it is a good idea to focus on sharing what we believe.

  2. Mormon campaigning is an outstanding source! It constantly amazes me about how it is able to portray Christ or church values. I am a pretty critical person of marketing plans, but I think the church does a wonderful job and the way that it uses church networks to share the messages is outstanding. Mormon messages are able to teach about the church and its doctrine without shoving it down throats. They teach it in an appropriate way that brings the spiritual nature into play. Another point that church campaigns have mastered is the usage of music. They use beautiful soundtracks to calm and soften the heart. This is definitely one of the key strategies that I have noticed. It is interesting to see how different churches have also applied these principles, such as the Catholic faith and other religions. I definitely think quality varies throughout though. I think it is interesting on how each of the ads focuses on getting to know the people in the religion. I think my favorite ads out of any religion are the ones that emphasize getting to know God or Christ in the end, instead of the members of the faith. That is one thing that was interesting about the "I am a Mormon" campaign. It emphasizes on the Mormon members aspect and the famous members. I did appreciate that it dove into their stories about how their testimony has grown.
