LDS Teachings

LDS Teachings

Watch the following clips:

Read the following articles:

“Protecting the family: Mormon teachings about the mass media” (through online course reserve)

Thoughts and reflections:

The article, “Protecting the family: Mormon teachings about the mass media,” suggests the Church has used three particular strategies to instruct, warn, and counsel members about the media. These include: 1) discouraging the viewing or reading of certain types or genre of media (e.g. soap operas, etc.), 2) using General conference to warn about certain types of media effects, and 3) presenting specific guidelines for media use (what content to avoid, how to use social media, etc.).

I want back about your experiences growing up. How did your parents or guardians incorporate these strategies into their own instruction to you? Did you have family conversations about media and what was the nature of these conversations?

I think the Brethren have given some powerful instruction from the pulpit. I’ve included two of my favorite talks in this assignment. One is a 2005 conference talk from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. It is addressed to the sisters of the Church (but the men can learn a great deal from this as well) and points out how the media can impact the sisters’ self-concept. He gives counsel and a warning. Watch the clip:

Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the talk (“To Young Women,” October 2005 General Conference):

“Frankly, the world has been brutal with you in this regard. You are bombarded in movies, television, fashion magazines, and advertisements with the message that looks are everything! The pitch is, ‘If your looks are good enough, your life will be glamorous and you will be happy and popular.’ That kind of pressure is immense in the teenage years, to say nothing of later womanhood. In too many cases too much is being done to the human body to meet just such a fictional (to say nothing of superficial) standard….I see women [including young women] . . . pulling this up and tucking that back. It’s like a slippery slope. [You can't get off of it.] . . . It’s really insane . . . what society is doing to women."

I would love to hear the sisters’ reaction to this talk and quote. More importantly, I wonder what you might want the brethren in the class to understand and take away from this talk as well. Here’s a chance for you to teach.

Next, I’ve included the wonder CES talk by Elder Bednar, “Things as they really are.” Please watch the clip:

Next, read the talk from Elder Ballard on how to use social media to spread the Gospel:

Now, I want you think deeply about these messages and address some of the following questions. Are the media inherently evil? Can they be used for both good and bad? How do we find a balance in our lives? Is it an issue of content? Control? Access? Time management or time waste? Think deeply before responding. What are the important things that you take away from these clips and readings?

Today’s Blog

Please watch and view the clips and readings for the assignment (from “LDS Teachings”). Can you summarize what the Church teaches about the media? What are the basic instructions that have been given to the members of the Church? This weekend is general conference. Please watch conference and listen to any references to media or social media (these could be direct or indirect references). Please summarize them. How do we use our agency to respond and learn here? Finally, if you were asked to teach a Sunday School/Relief Society/Priesthood lesson the media, what would you teach? What key points or principles would you try to convey?

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