Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blog #15

Please read “Catholicism” and watch/read the related links. Reflect on and discuss some of the questions that peak your interest in that reading assignment. As we have previously discussed both the Catholics and Mormons have had their “moments” in the media and we can see a number of parallels. First, what are the stereotypes used to portray Catholics in entertainment media, according to our readings. Can you summarize and respond to them. In what ways are they similar or different to the portrayals of Mormons? Next, I want you to visit the website and search around a bit. I would like you to explore how the Catholic Church is using the internet and social media to reconnect with former and less active members. Share your thoughts and feelings.


  1. I would have to honestly say that I've never given much thought to the Catholic portrayal in the news and media. To me the view is more focused on Islam and other more foreign religions. If I'm ever worried about a Christian religion it's my own. So I've never really taken into account what the Catholics see and feel. But with that now in mind I can see how they are treated differently.

    First off, in the media and films. I have to agree that the majority of Catholics are not shown in a correct light. Nacho Libre comes to mind. It doesn't say the church is Catholic exactly but we can assume it is. That whole movie degrades their beliefs and makes them look like they live a very boring, lonely lifestyle. Most films about Catholics are focused on the leaders of their faith I think, which isn't a true portrayal of the population as a whole.

    I also think the News doesn't do a very good job of reporting on this religion as well. All they focus on is the weaknesses and wrong doings of leaders in the Church. They don't talk about the good that they do (unless it's someone like Mother Teresa). For every Priest that abuses his power there are hundreds of good people that do what they believe is right. There is millions of dollars going to charity and good will. But all we see is the corruption.

    This class has made me really look outside of my own faith, look towards other faiths and truly see how they are treated in the public light. As LDS I feel we like to point out all the persecution and pain we've had to suffer, but quite often we forget that others have had to feel just as much as we have.

  2. For stereotypes of the Catholic faith, I picture Catholics with having large families; which is a similar concept to Mormons. I know that they have had some flaws in their past; which is always similar to Mormons. There are many who question church actions throughout time. In comparison to their Mormon moment, President John F. Kennedy had a profound impact on the Catholic moment in 1960. This idea looks towards when Mitt Romney ran for President of the United States of America. The Mormon church did not have complete support from the country, but awareness grew as these men campaigned to be President.

    There is a lot of media that promotes nuns and priests from the Catholic church. Unfortunately, that is about how much I have been exposed to with the Catholic church. I have had Catholic friends and love going to concerts in the Cathedral in Salt Lake, but I do not know anything more than that. I do love the emphasis that the Catholic church puts on the importance of family. I believe that is something that is truly unique about our day and age. Other Catholic characters tend to be suffering with their faith and religion. A lot of the same issues facing the Catholic church today are issues that are impacting the Mormon faith as well.

  3. I remember growing up and hearing about the book The Davinci Code. I had two catholic friends. One of these friends would tell me about how awful the book was and the ohter one told me about how good it was. I asked my mom about it and she told me that I out the Catholic Church and some Christian beliefs in a bad light. But she said what was said didn’t really matter to our religion. Reading the book when I was older I remebr feeling bad for how much the Catholic Church was shamed in this book. It was unfair how they made the church to be evil and deceptive.
    I feel like both Mormon and Catholic religions face persecution in their own respective ways. Looking throught the Catholic church website I see how we try to target the same topics. I would like to ask if the website is utilized as much as
