Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Blog #5

First read “The Gospel According to the Simpsons.” Watch the clips and read the assigned articles ("Saint Flanders" and "Religious Rhetoric and the Comic Frame in the Simpsons,” link: https://reserve.lib.byu.edu/docs/15824/).

Next, share your reactions to them. Do the Simpsons reflect mainstream feelings about religion? Respond to the Romanowski quote. Are they more like most people than we might be willing to admit? Think about this before reacting. Are they the most religious family on TV? Why or why not? What do they tell us (or how do they reflect) our own religious beliefs? How would characterize the religious beliefs of the Simpsons?

1 comment:

  1. Professor Thomsen,

    I don't know why, but my computer can not open that link to the Ned Flanders article. When you post articles from databases, would you mind telling us what database they are from too? I never watched Simpsons, and the clip you have linked has been removed from youtube, so my resources for responding to this one are limited.
